A Ten Year Financial Review of the Bluegrass Gospel Sing & Jam

In the Fall of 2013, Mary and I took a close look at our financial situation as it relates to the Bluegrass Gospel Sing and Jam ministry. A review of our flocks and herds so to speak. It was then that for the first time, we sent a plea out for much needed financial support. Although not even close to fully funded, the reply was overwhelming. Through donations from churches and individuals our answer to our prayer of “Lord should we even continue” was a resounding YES! The need is still huge, and we so appreciate ministry partners who are helping. We encourage you to pray about what part the Lord would have you take in supporting the Bluegrass Gospel Sing and Jam Ministry.

Since its debut in May of the year 2000, the spiritual impact of the ministry is unmistakable. Through preaching, providing Bibles, and counseling, we have been honored and humbled to witness lives changed in a number of ways including:

  • Hundreds of spiritual discussions
  • Countless Salvation decisions
  • Restoration of believers into local churches
  • Ministry to Pastors and other church leaders

We are grateful to churches and individuals who have financially supported the ministry since 2004, providing 65% of its need. We pray the Lord will bless you greatly for your willingness to cheerfully give so that the Gospel message could be brought to countless people. You will share in the full impact of changed lives and souls in Eternity.


The balance of the ministry budget (35%) has come directly from us, through temporary work in the fall, emcee work, book sales, CD & T-Shirt sales but mostly from our personal resources. We had hoped that before now we would be fully funded but unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet.


As always, “Donations” and “Gifts” to the Bluegrass Gospel Sing and Jam can be sent/made as follows:

  • Checks to: Mike and Mary Robinson or Bluegrass Gospel Sing and Jam

PO Box 305, Belchertown, MA 01007 (Please write “bluegrass gift” in memo line)

  • Checks to: Christ Community Church, PO Box 1270, Belchertown, MA 01007

(Please write “Bluegrass Ministry” in the memo line) These are Tax Deductible

  • Major Credit Card can be used at festivals or churches
  • We now have a small metal box on our table at festivals… your can guess what its for..
  • Direct Monthly Deposit from your bank to the BGSJ Bank account
  • Wal-Mart or fuel cards.
  • PayPal account at preachermikerobinson@gmail.com

We are open to suggestions and ideas and would entertain your thoughts on funding strategies as this is an area we are very uncomfortable with. This should be obvious since this is the first financial plea we have ever made. Many individuals we have recently approached about this need have shared with us that they were “surprised that we could do this mission/ministry for so long without asking for financial help.” We understand that this request will be met with some opposition since some people may not understand our motives, and we are open to have a discussion with anyone about this. We feel so connected to the folks to whom we minister and our heart’s desire is to continue serving this people group who gather at bluegrass festivals. As we look back over the last 17 years we see such great momentum and we can’t imagine doing anything else.

God Bless you!

Servants of Jesus,

Mike & Mary Robinson


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